Mission: To show people how the world really works through stories that rock the world; forcing positive change. Vision: We expose wrongdoing so the world can make it right.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists tells stories that punch through the noise, showing how the world really works, triggering positive change.

We are driven by the belief that citizens have the right to be better informed, that access to independently-sourced facts is not only essential for democracy but is also a fundamental human right.

Transparency is at the center of everything we do.

We are operating at a time when investigative journalism has never been more important, or more challenged.

The biggest threats to our societies, and to all of us, have gone global, stretching the capacity of traditional newsrooms. Vital public interest reporting must compete against a flood of misinformation that confuses, alienates and divides.

To fight these forces, ICIJ has directed the largest cross-border reporting initiatives in history, convincing reporters across the globe to set aside traditional rivalries to uncover corruption, abuses of power and grave harms inflicted on the world’s most vulnerable people. 

Our track record of breaking stories that rock the world has made ICIJ an indispensable news source, and a leader in the global battle for truth.